Put the Great Reset to rest. Don't resist the Great Escape.

1 year ago

From a libertarian perspective, Reason is the top source of news, politics, and culture on the planet. For a viewpoint you won't find in heritage media or vintage left-right opinion magazines, visit reason.com. In COVID-19: The Great Reset, a 2020 book he co-authored with Thierry Malleret, Klaus Schwab, director of the World Economic Forum (WEF), said, "The coronavirus epidemic has no precedent in modern history. It is our defining moment." The authors state in the book's introduction, "Many of us are wondering when things will get back to normal." When introducing Xi Jinping, China's president, as the opening speaker at the most recent WEF meeting in Davos, Switzerland, in January, Schwab said, "The short response is: never."

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