Take the First Step and Keep Going; Nature's Most Powerful Antioxidant

2 years ago

Take the First Step and Keep Going; Nature's Most Powerful Antioxidant Salim Mekhmoukh, CEO - Dr. Karen Hecht, Ph.D.
Some products have noble beginnings. One of the world’s strongest antioxidants milligram for milligram comes from seaweed, is so effective that it’s being studied for its therapeutic effects on neurological diseases like Parkinson’s Disease and Alzheimer’s. At the same time it’s been shown to help preserve muscle, reverse aging of the skin, protect against developing skin cancer. Is better at quenching free radicals than Vitamin C, E or most other antioxidants. And a therapeutic dose is just 4mg. Salim Mekhmoukh believed that everyone should be taking Astaxanthin and decided to put it in a vehicle that millions of people willfully use daily. And he even improved on the vehicle. Come learn about the next generation of energy drinks that you can consume without concerns or guilt.

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