What's next for PrintABlok?

2 years ago

As the PrintABlok Skyforce wraps up, let's talk about what's next for PrintABlok.


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All music by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License

0:0:00 Intro music
0:0:55 Kickstarter Finished! New Stretch Goal
0:5:30 How and when you will get your rewards
0:0:13:03 What's your favorate kit?
0:23:30 Best Materials, Blender Tutorials, Degreebled Pieces
0:36:39 Vase Mode Connector for TPU and 150% scale
0:39:08 Why only 14 days?
0:43:04 Pateron going forward
0:46:50 What's next?
0:49:33 Mini Pilots Pitch
1:00:15 Other future sets
1:05:55 Where would you like me to appear?
1:12:23 Wrap up, love you all

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