5 stoicism advice every man must listen

1 year ago

1 choose your friend wisely

There is a saying:
"You are the average of the people you spend the most time with".Think about what your relationship is doing for you right now. Are you friends with many people in your life who don't have a place to go? If you want to get rich, you have to spend time with people who are rich and want to be rich. Your circle tells all about you if you have little bitches that are absolute losers, then sorry my friend you are one of them and, you should change your friend circle.

2 Achieve what you want
Some people know what they want to do right out of school, while others have no idea. If you are the latter, many people around you will pressure you to figure out what you want to do now. They will pressure you to get a job. They will pressure you to stay in a job, you don`t like because it's stable.
You may have to try a job you don't like and it may be tough for a while, but never compromise. Never give up on your dream.

3 Break the matrix

everyone in this world is brainwashed from the beginning of their life by parents, family, teachers, friends, and society. But as a man, you should break that matrix you need to wake up and make sure that, you are doing what you need to do and, you are the product of your thoughts and, your worldview. learn from society but never let it Influence you.

As a man you have every right to live a free and happy life and never let anyone, influence you. have your thoughts and, have your opinions, or you will become the puppet to the world.

Society is a scared bitch run by geeks, Geeks do not like the idea of people having a great life, and geeks dislike strong men because geeks are scared of them.

4 grind like a maniac

you have to grind like a maniac If you are broke, ugly, and addicted. that most people are then my friend you are fucked, you have worked like a maniac you bring a change in yourself. you have to work day and night to achieve what you want, there is no way around it, you have to enjoy that hardship and that hard time. Because you hate it, it will haunt you every fucking second of your life and that is true. The only way you can survive that hard time is by staying focused and disciplined.

5 Learn to learn
I have been telling people that a degree and a college study are not only the way to get educated, in fact it is the worst way to get educated, colleges are for fools and idiots, the people that think they will learn something great or a secret by going to college are fucking moron. College is the worst they take your money to teach you things that are already written in books that you can buy for a couple of dollars. For some professions, college is important like the medical profession but anything else is a scam. people go to college to learn business, and that is complete bullshit a teacher that does not own any business, teaches you how to run a business. how much of a dork are you? how much you can be to not realize this stupid scam.

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