Pushing 3D Printing with... a plate?

4 years ago

Could what's holding back your 3D prints be... your 3D printer? Is the fundamental design philosophy of your 3D printer limiting what you can print? What is the best 3D printer you can choose?

Want to take the challenge and print it yourself? Download the 3D Printed Tableware set at: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4764018

Check out Ryan Carlyle's "3D Printer Engineering Volume 1" http://www.sublimepublications.com/store/p1/3D_Printer_Engineering_Volume_1%3A_Motion_Platform_Design.html

Again, thanks to my friends at Yousu for the PetG: https://www.ysfilament.com/​
Amazon Affiliate link: https://amzn.to/35YqF96

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All music by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License

0:00 Introduction
0:43 Are 3D Prints Food Safe?
1:21 3D Printing Spoons, Forks, and Knives
3:40 Bowl and Cup
4:18 the Plate Conundrum
5:15 the Problems Printing them
6:44 A surprising success
7:10 How 3D Printers Move
9:31 Printing the Plates Fails and Successes
10:43 The Impossible Plate Print
11:21 Thesis Statement
12:38 The Challenge

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