Bluetruth - Scientific Evidence for Nano Wireless Technology in the "VAXXinated" (English subs)

2 years ago

It is hard to believe and like in a horror movie. Through inoculation, people have received a MAC address that can be detected and can even still be measured in dead people in the cemetery. With older cell phone models, these Bluetooth frequencies can be easily revealed with a small additional app. Modern cell phones have severely limited this function so that the context and long lists of digital addresses of people do not create confusion, anger and fear among the population. Source: Check out Robert O. Young’s best selling book “The PH Miracle: Balance Your Diet, Reclaim Your Health by Robert O. Young” He encourages everyone to download it for free. It can be found at If they change domains, google “Library Genesis.” There is the original pressing (published by Warner Books released in 2002). The revised copy (Published by “Piatkus Books” released in 2009, 420 pages) doesn’t say it is revised on the cover for some reason. Search “Robert O. Young” on libgen, it should be towards the bottom.


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