Favorite photo I’ve taken, New Era Cap, Fraser & Co. Watches, and more!

2 years ago

@mattfraser9 answers questions about his favorite photo he’s ever taken, New Era Cap, Fraser & Co. Watches, and collaborating with Nikon.

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To find me and my work across platforms:
Link Tree → https://linktr.ee/mattfraser9
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Twitter → https://twitter.com/mattfraser_9

To view my portfolio or purchase prints:
Website → https://mattfraser9.com
Store → https://mattfraser9.com/store

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#NikonCreators #NewEraCap

0:00 Intro
0:26 Last week’s video + Instagram algorithm rant.
2:31 What is your most favorite photo you’ve ever taken?
9:15 How did you start to work with Nikon?.
11:07 Your New Era photos are dope. I thought you worked for them.
13:45 Pros/Cons of a mirrorless camera.
16:30 Is Fraser Watches your company?
18:58 Outro

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