Boosters: the immunological equivalent of heroin addiction – expert bioscientist Dr David Wiseman

2 years ago

Though the uptake of COVID-19 boosters remains low in South Africa, with a mere 3.6 million booster shots reportedly administered by August, the South African Government and international health authorities continue to urge citizens to join the conga line of “responsible” people queuing to get boosted. Given the significantly high seroprevalence of SARS-CoV-2 antibodies among the South African population, there is no justification for boosters, even less the FDA’s Emergency Use Authorisation thereof. In this long-form interview with Dr David Wiseman, a PhD research bioscientist with a background in pharmacy, pharmacology and immunology, the significant risks associated with continued boosting were meticulously examined. Wiseman’s ability to simplify technical knowledge and his explanation of the dangers associated with boosters were second to none. According to Wiseman, attempting to boost our way out of the pandemic is the immunological equivalent of heroin addiction. Wiseman furthermore provided critical insight into the FDA and CDC’s egregious abandonment of once well-established standards, evidenced by the EUA issued for the new untested BA4/5 bivalent boosters.

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