Clearly outlining their destroy MAGA agenda and destroying American Dreams, while giving Drea

2 years ago

CULT CRIMINALS SPEAK: Clearly outlining their destroy MAGA agenda and destroying American dreams, while giving dreamers amnesty.

The feds are taking a second look at Sen. Robert “Bob” Menendez five years after an initial corruption investigation ended in a mistrial. Michael Soliman, an adviser to the powerful chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, told The Post Wednesday that Menendez (D-NJ) “is aware of an investigation,” but “does not know the scope.”

Menendez, 68, was indicted in 2015 after prosecutors from the Justice Department’s Public Integrity Unit accused him of accepting lavish bribes from Palm Beach ophthalmologist Dr. Salomon Melgen. Investigators alleged that Menendez received hefty political donations and enjoyed free private jets and luxury vacations in exchange for helping Melgen secure lucrative government contracts, as well as visas for the doc’s three foreign girlfriends. He was also convicted of Medicare fraud in 2017.

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