A Monk's Musings: Revisiting the Cowboy Bebop RPG (Playtest), & Why I No Longer Endorse It

2 years ago

#ttRPG, #Tabletop, #Monastery, #CowboyBebop, #ManaProjectStudios, #Playtest

I'm not gonna stop you if you wanna buy, this is just why I won't.

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Artist credits
Avatar Art: Barbusco Comics
GeekWatch Art: ZeltraxMilennium
Garo by Nanashi
Tridoron by KrocoBengel
Rome of the Foretellers makaihana975
OOO, Beast, Den-O, Wizard & W by Yuuyatails
Zangetsu by LarsMaster & RandomTalkingBush
CrossZ-Evol by viaditor954

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