Cartoon Animator Hilariously Scary Exposes Herself As MAP (Sarah Truly Quits YouTube)

2 years ago

Sarah Truely A.K.A HilariouslyScary was once a beloved animator in the youtube world but has since quit because she decided to out herself as an MAP or (Mi nor Attracted Person) these people are incredibly unwell and I think there is only one solution (think RAID against cockroaches but for people) These people want to latch on to the LGBTQ community as well as disabled communities. They search for open arms and acceptance the same way as LGBTQ people would but that is where the "similarities" end. Deranged people with thoughts of harming young people is totally unacceptable. Sarah Truely has officially stepped down from creating content according to her tumblr post which also outlines her disgusting thought process. Hilariously Scary not only identified herself as a MAP but also openly admits to being in close proximity to other people interested in doing dirty deeds with minors. Plenty of her community have already called her out but I made this video about Sarah Truly Quitting YouTube so that anyone still searching the internet can find out what happened to Hilariously Scary. Sarah's family is also aware of her horrible mind and disgusting taste for children and are mostly enabling this behavior in my opinion.

twitter: @Bax In Action

#hilariouslyscary #SarahTruely #animation

Video Title: Cartoon Animator Hilariously Scary Exposes Herself As MAP (Sarah Truly Quits YouTube)

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