Hillary Clinton claims the right has a plan to steal 2024 presidential election

2 years ago

Here is the transcript.

Hillary Clinton: Hello, Indivisibles. I’m here to highlight something that is keeping me up at night. And I know this group really understands what I’m about to say. I know we’re all focused on the 2022 midterm elections and they are incredibly important. But we also have to look ahead because you know what?

Our opponents certainly are right-wing extremists already have a plan to literally steal the next presidential election. And they’re not making a secret of it. The rightwing controlled Supreme Court may be poised to rule on giving state legislatures, yes, you heard me that correctly, state legislatures the power to overturn presidential elections. Just think if that happens? The 2024 presidential election could be decided not by the popular vote or even by the Anachronistic electoral college, but by state legislatures, many of them Republican controlled.

But there is also good news. In the face of this very real threat to democracy, Indivisible has launched Crush the Coup to make sure we’re ready to defend democracy in 2024. They’ve put together a list of critical races in six key states and how you can get involved. Will you support Crush the Coup by donating to Indivisible and state legislature candidates? Each of these races is highly competitive and your dollars could very well decide the winners and the winner of the next presidential election. This could not be more important or more urgent.

Voma inducing message! Lies upon lies! But, are you surprised? I am not!!
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