DIRT & DILDOS Series (1): Breeding

2 years ago

April 12, 2019 OG YouTube POST:

First in a series of RANT VIDEOS to serve as a platform for many taboo, new and ancient writings, ideas, experiences and expressions, all true (like it or not) - social, political and personal.

Not here to debate my own existence or stories, so bring yours or kindly step aside, until you can articulate with matched thought, detail, conviction and eloquence. Grand-daughter & great-niece of US veterans, former gov agent, 30+ yrs small/mid-size co. managing/books/accounts full-charge, salutatorian, real-lifer, stunt-woman, singer, actress and so much more here. I've trained, studied & shoveled in the trenches w/the best & worst of 'em.

My country has nearly killed me at least 10 times over; BOTH sexes have F'd me, and I'm not even bisexual, but I'll hug almost anyone willing to hold a convo longer than 5 mins.

Race/color/age become irrelevant, once you stop thinking "team", "separatist" & "religious"; united, say that out loud & define. Everyone has genitals, fruiting or not, but my opinion on breeding happens to be slightly unpopular - all the more reason for me to "put it out there"!

INSTAGRAM & YOUTUBE "CrystalCaw"/"Abstract Loyalty"!

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