Tarot Reading on the Government of Saudi Arabia : November 16, 2022

2 years ago


Video timestamps:
01:17 laying out the spread
02:08 Key Cards’ Message
03:10 Current Situation
04:40 Energy & Plans in Development
04:59 Expected Future Results
07:02 Changes & Holds
10:08 Grounding Message

Key Cards’ Message:
The government is taking care of themselves and their rule over the people. There is a cultural disconnect between the rule of the government and the cultural needs of the civilians. Like a lack of cultural unity or one that is not being nourished by the government.

Current Situation:
They are on alert as they’ve woken up from a restful mental break to realize that they are surrounded by [political] non-inspirational dead weight and fake friends.

Energy & Plans in Development:
They are working on new projects that will free them from whatever dead weight they have, so that they also won’t have to worry about the fake friends that are not protecting them.

Expected Future Results:
New projects are not looking successful. It seems like leaving the group of fake [political] friends has a penalty that makes it difficult for them to accumulate capital/resources/finances. But they will be able to work and or exist more harmoniously within their new political environment (due to not having to worry about lack of protection from fake friends).

Changes & Holds:
They are leaving the place they were at and moving to a better political situation where they will feel more intrinsic satisfaction with the work they do. It will be a lot of work but they will feel better about it.

What stays the same is that they will still reign over the people/civilians, retaining the boundaries they currently have between politics & society, and they will not give in to the cultural waves & changes.

Grounding Message:
What pulls this all together and grounds them is the future and all the goals and dreams that they have.

A challenge they may face is not over-focusing on one political path, and instead, looking at the various options and possibilities that are available to them.

Thank you for watching my video. I hope it was helpful. Let me know if you have any questions or comments.

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