2 years ago

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Josh Sigurdson talks with Sherry Peel Jackson, a former IRS insider who wrote the book "How To Stick It To The IRS" and someone who has faced many attacks for simply helping people keep their money and fight for freedom. In this video, we talk about the dangers of a cashless society, how we can sidestep the Great Reset agenda with bartering and several other solutions including privacy coins. Jackson also gives advice to Alex Jones following his massive lawsuit and the unjust verdicts given to Alex as Pfizer gets away with literal murder. We also dig into her book and how people could indeed stick it to the IRS and resist tyranny.

Stay tuned for more from WAM!

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World Alternative Media 2022

Get up to 60% OFF our hottest products during Selling Out Mega Blowout Sale today!

Left-wing radicals are attempting to destroy Alex Jones via the court system! Please help Alex by making a donation to his legal defense at Saveinfowars.com to keep him in the fight! Don't let the NWO be successful with their latest weapon against Free Speech!

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Be sure to order your autographed copy of Alex Jones’ new book ‘The Great Reset: And the War for the World,’ while they’re still available!

#WorldAlternativeMedia #WAM

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