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The Book of True Life Teaching 27 of 366
The Master teaches... Book of Revelation, Purification & Humility of Christ's Disciples
Divine Revelations Mexico 1866 - 1950
The Lord says:
1. O beloved disciples: I am opening your eyes to the light of My teaching, so that you may separate truth from falsity; the light of your conscience, feelings and intuition that you possess is that which will indicate the right path, and reveal the good fruits.
2. From the true knowledge of My Doctrine, humility will be born within you, because you will feel so small before your Creator, but even in spite of that, so dignified and gifted by Him, that you will not dare lift your gaze toward the Father, if you consider it impure.
3. Vanity is harbored in those who, believing themselves to have reached the complete knowledge of the truth, have considered themselves wise, strong, infallible, great and absolute, without realizing that, many times, they are simply confused.
4. I do not desire that from among these people, who have barely begun to develop beneath the light of these lessons, tomorrow will emerge men who are confused because of their vanity, boasting that they were the reincarnation of Christ, or that they are the new Messiahs.
5. Whoever commits such acts will be those who, believing they have reached the understanding of all My truth, in reality, are far from the path indicated by Christ, which is that of humility.
6. Study the life of Jesus on Earth, and you will find a profound and unforgettable lesson of humility.
7. Jesus knew who He was, where He came from and for what purpose He arrived on this earth, nevertheless He never walked in the market places or in the streets, proclaiming with pride that He was the Son of God, the Messiah, or the Savior; instead, He gave a perfect testimony of His Doctrine of love and charity with His deeds. With His works He let it be known who He was, and when someone approached to ask Him: "Are you Christ?" Jesus readily answered him: You have said it.
8. That is to say, while men would say it with their lips, He would confirm it with His works, in comparison to which all words would lack value.
9. Keep all this in mind, o beloved people, so that once you are dedicated to the struggle, you will not allow yourselves to be surprised by temptations, nor permit your heart to receive the reward which belongs only to the spirit.
10. To prevent you from falling into this weakness, I will allow this form of My communication with you to have limits, although there exist those who are able to fulfill this mission with true humility. There are also those who have believed themselves to be gods before the multitudes; but once they realized that what they had yesterday they do not have anymore, they will come to understand that, in order to attain an everlasting communication with the Father, it is necessary to possess humility.
11. Everyone knows that I have indicated a day for this communication to come to an end; that date will be the year 1950, but you will see how those who became conceited and exalted with this manifestation, will not submit themselves to the will of the Father, because they will think that, upon losing this gift, they must return to their own way of life; ignored by the multitudes, ceasing to be exalted by the people.
12. When that moment arrives, the spokesmen will say: "Who will come to listen to us when the people realize that the Master does not speak through our mouth anymore?" And the leaders will say: "Who will come to our prayer houses when they find out that the word of the Father does not resound through the mouth of His chosen ones anymore?" I can tell you already: if this were the only form in which I could make Myself known to their spirit, I would never deprive you of it; but if I do let it cease, it is a sign that something even more elevated and perfect awaits you, something that you know of already: it is the connection of spirit to Spirit with your Father.
13. O My people: form a book with My words and safeguard its contents within your spirit, illuminated by the light of your conscience, so that you will never profane My Work.
14. If you have believed in My manifestation in this manner, you must also believe that I will cease to speak to you in the manner I have been doing up until now; and if you believed in My presence when I taught you through a human faculty, availing Myself of simple and imperfect beings, why do you not believe then that you can receive My Divine inspiration from Spirit to spirit?
15. O disciples, I have taught you many things already. Do not limit yourselves to only hearing Me; analyze My word with love, study it deeply, now that it is the right time to do it, and not after you have fallen into temptation, for your task would be more difficult then.
16. Study My teaching, so that you may interpret it correctly, and with its light you will be able to understand the meaning of life, as well as the purpose of its trials.
17. Many who behold the unleashed elements, the waters overflowing and devastating lands with their furious currents, and men engaged in destroying themselves in cruel and fratricidal wars, say that the wrath of God has also been unleashed.
18. I forgive those who interpret My justice in that way, but they will realize that all the suffering and vicissitudes that mankind endures, are due to their own disobedience to My Law.
19. There are some who say: "Lord, if we have offended you so much with our imperfections, which themselves have been the cause of all our hardships; would it not be better if you just destroy us? Why do you keep us in a state of pain?"
20. To those who ask Me thus, I say: If I did not love you, I would make you cease to exist by merely saying: "Let it be so"; but when, in spite of your faults, I continue to preserve you, that is proof that a great destiny awaits you.
21. My designs are perfect, and My love for you is infinite, therefore, your imperfections will never have sufficient merit to alter the will of the Almighty one. Unceasingly you stray from the pathway indicated by My Law, but in the end, within the perfection of My justice, you will find My love.
22. Mankind has always been subjected to trials, in which, besides purifying its spirit, it has attained the light of experience, that which, during this period, will help it to understand the wise, just and perfect lessons that life offers. It is for this reason that I have told you: in addition to remaining watchful and prayerful, so as not to fall into temptation, you must also struggle against the darkness with your sword of light.
23. If you wish to delve deeper into the reason for your ordeals, remember that you are in the time of restitution of all your past faults. Whenever you have faith in what I am explaining, a sweet conformity and an infinite peace will invade your being, knowing that I am the only One who knows your past and can judge it with love.
24. Behold the exiled kings during this time, princes without hope of reigning, the wealthy in ruin and the powerful in their sickbed. Who knows the restitution existing within those tests to which they are subjected? Only I know; but I want you all to know that, with sincere repentance, with good deeds, with regeneration and spirituality, you can shorten your restitution until you obtain your freedom from pain, and with it, peace.
25. With these lessons I am clarifying the teachings you have received since the most distant times, but which men have concealed from you, preventing mankind from finding the path of salvation.
26. Do you not believe, O My beloved people, that if, in this time, you have been of the first to understand this truth, that this knowledge obligates you to convey this light to the battlefields, and to the people without peace?
27. To do that, explore My word, but always do it with the purpose of attaining the truth.
28. Strengthen your faith in My word, so that, in the future, when you hear arguments against this Work, you will not weaken.
29. You say to Me: "Master, what arguments against your perfect Doctrine could we possibly hear that would put our faith in danger?"
30. You think now in that manner, O beloved disciples, for you are still unaware of the tempests and the struggle that approaches; now you come in peace to hear My word, to refresh yourselves in My lesson, but I prepare and put you on the alert, so that no one may surprise you. Among you are many innocent ones, many of good faith, of noble sentiments, men and women without malice, who are unfamiliar with the perversity and treachery of which men are capable, and if they do not prepare themselves, they will be easy prey for those who will arise against this Doctrine; they will be like helpless sheep before hungry wolves.
31. It is more convenient for you to learn now, from Me, what you will hear tomorrow; be prepared for the struggle, with the light of My teaching, let nothing harm you when they attempt to attack or dishearten you.
32. Do not be disturbed when they tell you that He who has spoken to you during this period has been the tempter, and that it was prophesied that he would also perform miracles, with which he would perturb and confuse the very chosen ones. Truly, I say to you, that many who think in this way about My manifestation will be exactly those who actually are in the service of evil, sitting amidst darkness, although their lips try to assure that they are always spreading the truth.
33. Do not forget that the tree is known by its fruits, and I say to you: The fruit is this word, which has come to vibrate through the faculties of these spokesmen, men and women of simple heart. By the fruits and spiritual progress of those who have tasted it, mankind will recognize that I am the Tree.
34. The Spiritual Trinitarian-Marian Doctrine will be spread, setting off an alarm among many who, believing they studied and understood the lessons which they had previously received from the Father, have become conceited with the knowledge of their philosophies and their sciences, unaware of the spiritual evolution that mankind has reached. Upon awakening from their lethargy, they will become aware of the manner in which the spirit of man thinks and feels today; they will hurl anathemas at what they call "new ideas", and they will declare that this movement is being provoked by the Anti-Christ. Then they will go back to the Scriptures, to the prophecies and to My word which I gave you during the Second Era, to try to combat My new manifestation, My new lessons and all that I promised and which, today, I am finally fulfilling.
35. Through the lips of My disciples and by means of writings, My word will reach even those who admit to nothing beyond what is material or from their knowledge and concepts, which they have already accepted, and they will call Me a false God for bringing you this word. But when you hear this, even if your heart feels hurt, your faith will not suffer any discouragement, recalling with emotion that your Master had already announced it to you and strengthened you with His word, to resist those tests. On the other hand, I say that even if, along your way, you find falsity, hypocrisy, superstition, religious fanaticism and idolatry, do not judge anyone because of their errors; instruct them with My word and leave their cause to Me, for I am the only One who judges you and who knows who is the false God, the false Christ, the unrighteous apostle, the hypocritical Pharisee.
36. You need only to interpret My teaching in the most simple manner, in order for the Divine seed to fructify through your deeds, and by its essence, the One who inspired it to you to be recognized.
37. The heart of this people will not be sterile; I know, because I have called and gathered them. There will be moments when many will be confused, even within My Work, but in the end they will be saved from the whirlwind and, filled with light, they will arise in search of the paths that lead to other lands, spreading My Doctrine to other groups of peoples, with a Divine message of spiritual fraternity and peace. They will teach that everything material has a limit, that they have made bad use of freedom of will, and that today, I have come to put a stop to your rapid pace, allowing My will to be done; I do not come to be your enemy, but for the good of all of mankind.
38. My approach to you during this time is not to take revenge for what humanity did to Me at Calvary; proof of this is that many times after you hurt Me, I have given you My peace in return, as proof of my love and forgiveness.
39. If My presence among you during this time coincides with the great calamities and the terrible wars that now beset you, do not attribute this cup that men are drinking to Me. These sufferings are the fruit of your sins, and these did not spring from Me. I was not dictating your judgment when I announced to you that, in the time when I would speak to you as the Holy Spirit, pain would rage among humanity; no, it happened because I knew that when these trials would come forth, you would need Me. I only announced it to you so that you would be vigilant and prayerful in anticipation of My coming.
40. You signed this sentence yourselves long ago, but I, whom you consider your judge, am, in reality, your defender, who frees you from your burden, by lovingly guiding you along the good path, so that you may attain true freedom, which is that of the spirit.
41. You weep, My people, because you feel the love of the Master within your repentant heart. You had been told that no one who would come before the Father with a grave guilt in his spirit would obtain forgiveness, and that he would have to suffer eternal damnation. But how could you ever have taken My divine justice as so monstrous? Did you not notice how I, through Jesus, clearly showed that My most tender words and My most loving gazes were directed at those who had sinned the most? How could I proclaim a doctrine in the world, and then go on and do the opposite in eternity?
42. There cannot be even the slightest difference between Christ and the Father, since both are the same spirit, the same love, the same wisdom, which has made itself known to mankind in three phases. I already told you in the Second Era: He who knows the Son, knows the Father.
43. You have come forth from Me in a pure state, and pure you must return; but the time of atonement will be temporary, never eternal; short or long, it depends on the will that the spirit in question employs to achieve its redemption.
44. I find you confused, because you have adopted the books in which your brethren have printed their errors, those which, for a long time, you have regarded as the pure truth; but the days approach when man will have to correct his own dogmas, for the light of the new era will allow him to see the path of truth; for in the night in which his spiritual life finds itself, there will be enlightenment.
45. I give you this Doctrine to teach you to relocate from your human existence into the spiritual life.
46. You are still more flesh than spirit, and that is why you continually doubt the truth of this word, and you ask yourself: "Is it truly the Master who speaks to us?" Then emerges a "yes" from the spirit that struggles against a "no" from the flesh.
47. I manifest Myself before you in a limited way, so that you will hear My word, with which I transmit My Divine thoughts that mark the pathway of your spiritual elevation once more.
48. I bless the one who believes in My communication in the same way as the one who doubts. I do not have any preference, I love everyone equally. I manifest Myself to the whole world, not only to certain hearts, to illuminate all the pathways with light, so that men can proceed toward the goal of spirituality and comply with the Divine mandate, which says: "Love one another"
49. I am the Divine Sower of love, and I know the time to sow and the time to gather the fruit. It was written that when men find themselves in the greatest degree of perversity, God would again give light to the world.
50. O disciples: It is time to sow; men seek and clamor for war; go and seek the human heart, to sow peace and love within it.
51. If you are attacked, shield yourselves with the purity of My Doctrine. While men triumph by taking human lives, I will triumph by giving you eternal life.
52. The legions of righteousness are active, they have entered the fray, but they come to save those who perish. That is My Divine task. Have you forgotten that I have been called the Savior of mankind? What is so strange about the fact that the Shepherd seeks his sheep? Even before you existed, I already loved you, and your disobedience was already foreseen, as well as your salvation.
53. When I manifested Myself in Jesus, He was said to be your King, and you gave Him the cross as a throne; then I demonstrated all the power that love, forgiveness and gentleness has. In the same way that I allowed His blood to be shed, I give you My love as well, without limitation.
54. Do you believe that in this time of afflictions, I will not be among you? Here I am, I have come like a spring of clear water, to quench the spiritual thirst that consumes you. I have come to say to you: It is time to let your spirit evolve, so that all its inactive faculties may awaken; for that purpose I have come to inspire you and explain spirituality to you.
55. Faith, thought and will are faculties of the spirit. Be great and strong with these gifts, and manifest them in all your deeds, which should always be based on love.
56. You know the mission that I have imposed upon Myself.
57. I await you in eternity, but you have to struggle to reach Me, that is why I come to enlighten your path, so that you may follow it and always move forward.
58. Be pure in your thoughts, words and deeds, then you will be travelling along my path; then you will be able to occupy the Kingdom of the Father, the mansion that I have destined for you.
59. Dominate your emotions, forsake your material pleasures and have concern for your brethren. Behold how the blood of My children is shed in this world, hear the sobs that escape from the suffering hearts. There are many nests with lifeless birds, many children who suffer, many mothers who weep and many infants without a cradle.
60. Pray for them, so that the fraternal feelings of some, and the maternal feelings of others, may be like a balsam of hope that will seep into their hearts.
61. Leave flashes of light for the traveler who is right behind you, then you will feel God in your heart, and within your innermost being, the Father will find His true temple. The conscience will be like the summit of the mount from which I will manifest Myself. Then, man will be more spirit than flesh, and more clarity than darkness.
62. In the same way that the breeze and the sunlight caress you, o My people, caress your fellowmen. This is the time in which the poor and the needy are abundant. Keep in mind that he who asks for a favor, is giving you the grace to be useful to others and to work toward your salvation. He gives you the opportunity to be merciful, and with it, you can imitate your Father; because man is born to scatter the seed of righteousness throughout the world. Understand then, that he who asks, does you a favor.
63. He who says that he has done a favor by being charitable, lies, for he has barely complied with any obligation.
64. I will rejoice with My disciples when the gentle and vibrant sounds of spirituality emerge from their harmonious concert, for all those who are prepared will speak the language of the heart, and those who are not prepared will not be lost, because I am the one who can wait for the fruits to ripen, but these will regret their disobedience when they drain their cup of bitterness.
65. I am in everyone, but some will say: "I do not feel your presence", and others may say: "I cannot see you", but all will realize that I am within everyone, and within everything created. Why do you try to behold and feel everything with only your eyes and senses? Try to see with the spirit, with your mind and with your heart.
66. Then you will see the unknown and you will feel it vibrating in your entire being. When you realize how much I love you, you will never say again that your God punishes you.
67. Truly, I say to you: wrath does not exist in Me, because that is a human weakness. You are the ones who ignite the flame of pain, and afterward you clamor for Me to extinguish it, but it is My justice which manifests in you, that is why you have to extinguish the flame of hatred and emotions you have ignited with the water of virtue, with tears and even with blood.
68. During the Second Era I said to you: Foxes have holes and the birds of the air have nests, but the Son of God has nowhere to lay down his head.
69. I leave you peace, I give you peace, in it you will find comfort and happiness. Be in My love, just as I am in your affliction!
70. Understand that I have entered your heart, without you noticing My arrival; in order to feel My presence you have to be vigilant, but when I found you, you were asleep; that is why, when I awoke you, you asked with surprise who had arrived, who was speaking to you in that manner.
71. I must remind you that I did not come to surprise you with an unexpected visit, long ago I made known to you the signs which would precede My manifestation as the Holy Spirit; but while seeing, you did not behold, and while hearing, you did not listen.
72. If you examine the events which have affected your world in the past century, whose dates remain recorded in your annals, you will realize that, truly, all that was prophesied by the Father has faithfully been fulfilled.
73. Truly, I say to you, that while My communication lasts, I will not be believed, for it will be necessary for men to cleanse their heart and mind first, in order for them to comprehend My word.
74. To those who listen to My lessons day by day and still are continuously receiving proofs of My truth, yet doubt and deny Me, I say to them, that it is necessary for them to study the spiritual meaning of My teaching, in order for them to understand its truth. In the same way I spoke to them during the Second Era when I said: It is necessary that I die, in order to be believed, and that I be resurrected on the third day, so that mankind may be convinced that I am indeed the Son of God.
75. Those who are still far from spirituality would like to behold Me in the form of Jesus, to say to Me: "Father, I believe in you, because I have seen you" I will say to them: Blessed are those who, without seeing, have believed, for they have given proof that, thanks to their spirituality, they have felt Me within their heart.
76. Do you now understand why man has found it necessary to use images to represent Me? Because of his lack of preparation; because he is not sensitive to spiritual manifestations.
77. If man understood My Doctrine, he would not feel the need to sculpt or paint images and then kneel before them; he would discover that, in the world, there does not exist a more perfect image of the Father than man himself, spiritually elevated; then he would attempt to imitate My deeds, to draw nearer to his Creator.
78. John, the apostle, entered the spiritual; in his ecstasy, he felt the presence of the Father, he felt weakened before His spiritual voice; but in spite of beholding figures and forms in those visions, he did not understand that each of those images was only a symbol of a great book of wisdom and prophecy, but not the actual figure or form of God.
79. Man saw the Lamb, the lion, the book, the stars, the elders, the candlestick and all that his amazed sight beheld, were only figures and forms existing on Earth, known by man, which were adopted as symbols, to represent profound and Divine teachings with them; however, no one can contemplate My Divinity in all its splendor, because I am infinite, I have no beginning or end.
80. If the book of the prophecies of John has been regarded by some as an unfathomable mystery, and considered by others with an erroneous interpretation, it must be because humanity has not yet attained the necessary spirituality in order to understand what is represented there, and I can also tell you that not even the prophet himself understood what was revealed to him.
81. John heard and saw, and, upon being ordered to write, instantly obeyed, but he understood, that the message he was to receive is really meant for men who would come a long time after him.
82. Today, you find yourselves in that period which was prophesied to you, and this Doctrine, as the light of a new era, has the power of teaching you to read in that book which has been closed to your comprehension for a long time. The hour approaches in which you will decipher all that you saw concealed behind a veil of mystery for such a long time.
83. Do you not, in fact, believe, that if John had understood the significance of the revelation that he received, he would have clearly explained its contents, instead of bequeathing to you a book of figures and symbols? Bear in mind that if he had explained that revelation with full clarity, what man of that period would have comprehended it, and thus believed in the truth of that prophecy?
84. It was My will for that book to remain sealed, and only its existence and part of its contents to be revealed to you, so that, when this period came, I would come to explain this revelation to you.
85. Awaken, O My people, spread this message to mankind, so that they will receive, within their spirit, the light of My word; the word of the Third Era. Forget your human miseries and exclaim: "Hosanna! Hosanna!", for at last your spiritual evolution will permit you to understand the true meaning of the teachings that I have allowed to become known, and whose light will guide you toward a perfect mansion in eternity.
My Peace be with you!
The Book of the true Life
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