Priorities & Key Criteria When Choosing a University

2 years ago

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Well, we are always focused on admissions, funding, and exams. That makes sense, but along the way, we forget what matters in the initial stage. Choice of the university. Which college do you want to study in? Did you really take time to think about it, or you just decided on the school where your friends wanna go? See, there is much more to consider. Keep calm, we are here to help.
Let’s look together at certain points that are worth analyzing to make the right decision.

1. Specific Academic Interest
Maybe you have specific interests within the scope of your major at this point, and you can narrow down your choices by focusing on that particular interests. For instance, if you want to study in law school, and you found that you are most interested in Intellectual Property Law, find a university that provides you with a concentration in that area. At the same time, keep in mind that American schools have a lot of flexibility in terms of curriculum. For instance, if you found a great university that fits your needs, but it does not have the concentration you want to pursue, ask the admission office coordinator about course options, and they might make certain adjustments for you or provide you with a separate list of elective courses you would want to take. In addition, you might find a faculty member – a professor who is involved in research or practical application exactly in your field of interest.

2. University Ranking
This is a big one for many students who are used to believing that employers are considering the ranking of the school where they are coming from. That is partially true. They do consider it; however, skillsets and experience still play a bigger role. With that said, ranking might indicate other areas of strength of a specific university or program, such as network, unique resources, famous faculty, etc. U.S. World News Report is the most commonly used national ranking, which embraces various universities, schools, and programs.

3. Learning Style
Let’s keep it simple. Do you prefer to be a part of a big classroom with 100 students or a small classroom with 10 to 30 students? Are you into group projects, or want more of an individual study approach? Evening studies, full-time/part-time, custom version? You always can find the best option for you.

4. University Resources
This is a big one because the school in the U.S. are great in resources, but still, each university or program department has its specific laboratories, faculty research, recreation development, centers, and institutes. For example, some schools have MBA programs that have small business development centers where you can work as a graduate assistant, study through an internship, or even practice in the center is already a part of the student’s curriculum.

5. Financial Aid/Scholarships
Scholarships based on merits and needs, graduate assistantships, and loans. Financial aid is mostly referred to as federal loans applicable only to domestic students or educational loans two of which international students also can apply for. Scholarships are a big question, and each university provides its system of scholarships both merit and need-based. Most of the time in terms of finance they appear to be a “discount” for your tuition. Other than that, you might have graduate assistantships that could cover full tuition while providing you with a stipend if you agree to work a certain number of hours at the campus.

6. Geographical Location
Do you want to study in a big city or a small one? Do you consider the transportation system available, lifestyle, and population amount? Maybe you want to narrow even more while seeking rankings for the best living or the safest area. Or you might just love a specific city, in any case, think about it and go for it.

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