RT News - November 16th 2022 Late

1 year ago

Poland makes a U-turn on the incident that killed two people near the border with Ukraine, as Warsaw admits the missile apparently came from Kiev's air defences and was not launched by Russia, as earlier suggested.

Kiev points the finger at Moscow and calls on NATO to weigh in with force, despite the bloc's chief saying, there's no indication the missile crash, which likely came from Ukraine, was deliberate or that Russia is seeking to target the Alliance.

USA tell it's citizens not to worry about a nuke on European soil as it wouldn't affect them but Donald Trump says the global community shouldn't overlook the nuclear threat. (QueenStreet comment I can hardly believe my eyes with what I see come out of USA at the moment)

G20 : Rishi Sunak escaped the meeting with President Xi (China) at the G20 summit.
Grain shipments and fertilisers MUST go to the world's poorest countries and no longer be hijacked by the EU and Britain (which could have gone overland all throughout the Ukraine conflict and is QueenStreet opinion that this is all to do with price manipulation and deliberately adds to inflation)

The South African leader calls on the G20 group to accept more countries from the continent into their ranks, as Africans push for a bigger role in geopolitics.

UK military are to pull out of Mali to be replaced with Russia's Wagner group. France and Germany have also pulled out some time back. Mali and Burkina Faso are in talks. (See some history https://rumble.com/user/QueenStreet?q=mali)

1, 2, 3) Below : Poland missile strike 4) Grain Deal

via RT website 16 Nov, 2022 16:54

1) ---- Ukraine admits firing missile near Poland blast site – CNN ----

Kiev previously tried to blame Russia and suggest that NATO should retaliate

Ukrainian military officials told their American and other Western counterparts that they attempted to intercept a Russian missile near the site of a fatal blast in Poland on Tuesday, CNN reported. While Kiev initially blamed the explosion on Russia, Western leaders have since stated that it was likely caused by an errant Ukrainian air defense projectile.

Citing a US official, CNN anchor Jim Sciutto said on Wednesday that the Ukrainian military has informed its Western backers that it “attempted to intercept a Russian missile in the same timeframe and near [the] location” of a “missile strike” at the Polish village of Przewowdow a day earlier.

“It’s not clear this is [the] same missile that struck Poland, but this has informed ongoing US assessment,” Sciutto added.

The apparent admission by Ukraine’s military marks a dramatic climbdown by Kiev since Tuesday, when Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky called the incident a “Russian attack on the collective security” of NATO. In a video statement, Zelensky urged the West to put Russia “in its place” in response.

However, in the time since the blast, Ukraine’s Western backers have all but confirmed that the missile was fired from Ukraine.

US President Joe Biden, NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg and Polish President Andrzej Duda have all stated that the blast was likely caused by a Ukrainian air defense missile, with Duda opting not to call for urgent consultations under Article 4 of the NATO Treaty.

The Russian Defense Ministry reported that analysis of debris at the site of the explosion showed that it was caused by a missile from the S-300 air defense system, a Soviet-era system fielded by Ukraine.

Poland is currently leading an investigation into the explosion, which killed two people.

The blast occurred during an intense Russian bombardment of Ukrainian command centers and energy infrastructure. Russia has pummeled Ukraine with near-daily missile and drone strikes since October, following what Russian President Vladimir Putin called Ukrainian “terrorist attacks” on Russian territory.

Ukrainian Energy Minister German Galushenko called Tuesday’s barrage the “most massive shelling of [Ukraine’s] energy system” since the beginning of the conflict in February.

via RT website 16 Nov, 2022 11:48

2) ---- Poland missile incident is step towards World War III – Medvedev ----

A hybrid war waged by the West against Russia could lead to disastrous consequences, the former Russian leader warns

Former Russian president Dmitry Medvedev has warned that the missile explosion which killed two people in Poland has brought the West closer to World War III.

The incident “proves just one thing: waging a hybrid war against Russia, the West moves closer to the World War”, the ex-president, who is now the deputy chair of Russia’s Security Council, wrote on Twitter on Wednesday. He also put the words “missile strike” in quotation marks.

Medvedev’s words were echoed by Russia’s deputy representative to the UN, Dmitry Polyansky, who claimed there was “an obvious attempt to provoke a direct military confrontation between NATO and Russia, with all the ensuing consequences for the whole world.”

In a post on Telegram, Polyansky said it was “suspicious” that last week Western powers had asked for a UN Security Council session to be held this Wednesday, without naming the reason for the gathering, and that the alleged “missile attack” on Poland came just in time for the meeting.

Another source of doubt was the “instant hysteria of the Kiev regime and demands to punish Russia, which were backed by the Poles, who have already gone mad from Russophobia,” the diplomat wrote.

With all facts pointing to Russia having nothing to do with the incident, it would be “curious” to see how the US and its allies will try to extricate themselves during the upcoming UN Security Council session, Polyansky said. “It would be unthinkable for our Western partners to recognize the role of Ukraine and Poland in this dangerous provocation,” he added.

Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky was quick to blame Russia for the incident late on Tuesday, urging NATO, of which Poland is a member, to act against this “attack on collective security.” Despite not being backed by any proof, the claims were picked by the media in Poland and by some of the country’s officials.

Warsaw put its military on alert, and said it was discussing whether to invoke NATO’s Article 4, which would require consultations on the situation with the other 29 member states and a consensus decision on how to proceed.

However, US President Joe Biden said soon afterwards: “it is unlikely, in the minds of the trajectory, that it [the missile] was fired from Russia.” The Associated Press also cited three US officials as saying preliminary data suggested the missile was actually Ukrainian, fired by the country’s air defenses amid a large-scale Russian attack on Ukraine’s energy infrastructure.

Russia's Defense Ministry has insisted that it did not carry out any strikes near the Ukrainian-Polish border on Tuesday. It later clarified that analysis of photos from the site showed that the debris were from a missile for the S-300 air defense system operated by Ukraine’s military.

via RT website 16 Nov, 2022 11:24

3) ---- ‘High probability’ that Ukrainian missile struck Poland – Warsaw. Polish President Andrzej Duda says there is “no evidence” that the projectile was fired by Russia ----

A missile that allegedly killed two people in Poland on Tuesday was most likely launched by Ukrainian air defense forces, Polish president, Andrzej Duda, has announced.

Russia’s defense ministry previously said its analysis of photos from the site showed that the projectile was from a S-300 air defense system used by Kiev.

“Most likely, a missile made by Russia in the 1970s has fallen on Polish territory. We have no evidence that it was launched by Russia,” Duda told reporters.

“There is a high probability that it was a Ukrainian air defense missile,” he added.

Both Russia and Ukraine were part of the Soviet Union in the 1970s, under the leadership of the Ukrainian-born Leonid Brezhnev.

Duda said it was an “unfortunate accident” rather than a deliberate attack on Polish soil. He suggested that the missile had struck Poland when Ukrainian forces were trying to intercept Russian attacks.

“Ukraine was defending itself – which is obvious and understandable – by also firing missiles whose task was to destroy Russian missiles [in mid-air],” Duda said. “Therefore, the Russian side is definitely to blame for yesterday’s incident.”

The Russian Defense Ministry confirmed that it fired a barrage of missiles at Ukrainian command centers and energy infrastructure sites on Tuesday, but said the targets were no closer than 35km (21.7 miles) from the Ukrainian-Polish border.

The ministry also said, according to photos published by the media, the missile that hit Polish territory was from an S-300 air defense system used by Ukraine.

Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki said Warsaw would not call for urgent consultations under Article 4 of the NATO Treaty, which are reserved for concerns over individual members’ territorial integrity and sovereignty.

“But the option remains in our hands,” he said, adding that the military, police and border guards had been placed on alert.

via RT website 16 Nov, 2022 16:08

4) ---- Moscow clarifies conditions for extending grain deal ----

Supplies must be sent to poor countries and not to wealthy Western states, the Russian finance minister told RT

Russia supports the extension of the grain transport deal but only under strict compliance with the UN-backed agreement, Russian Finance Minister Anton Siluanov told RT at the G20 summit on Wednesday.

He explained that Russia would agree to renew the deal, which expires on November 19, under the condition that the supply of crops to the poorest countries was guaranteed, as stipulated in the agreement.

“We favor the extension of the grain deal, but we insist that the grain that is supplied under the Black Sea agreement goes exactly to the countries that need it most, not to Western countries, and not to Europe, as it is happening now,” Siluanov said.

On Tuesday, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said that Russia had maintained grain shipments to African and Asian countries, despite Western obstacles that violated the grain deal. He also said that a total of 10.5 million tons of grain, mainly wheat, had been supplied, with 60% going to Asia and about 40% to Africa.

Russian President Vladimir Putin pointed out in September that most of the Ukrainian grain destined for poorer nations was being exported to the West, and not to famished African countries.

The breakthrough grain deal, brokered by the UN and Türkiye, was signed in July. It was meant to help unlock agricultural exports via the Black Sea from Russia and Ukraine, the world’s leading grain exporters, but came to a halt due to the military conflict between the two states.

Moscow has complied with all of the conditions for ships carrying Ukrainian grain to depart from ports in the Black Sea, but has complained for months that the UN’s promise to remove obstacles blocking Russia's own food and fertilizer exports, created by Western sanctions, hasn’t been fulfilled.

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