Stress in cattle how to reduce:

2 years ago

De-stressing the animal inside a rural property is a necessary task. Have you thought about how to offer animal welfare to your cattle?

Some daily handling procedures cause great stress to animals that release the hormone cortisol. Unfortunately, when this happens, there are several health damages.

The activities that are part of the routine cause great stress to the animal. The way handling is performed can influence weight and even behavior.

Close cattle, vaccinations, dehorning, weaning are necessary. However, they cause negative aspects in the emotional health of the animal. Therefore, they need to be done with extra care and attention.

A low-cost tip is to use brushes to improve health and ensure animal welfare.
Some procedures, such as brushing the cattle's hair, guarantee the animal's well-being and minimize fear.

Some companies already provide ready-made logs with brushes to be inserted into pastures. In this way, the animal itself can brush itself.

Even the small producer can make his own. There are several models available on the internet for self-assembly with wood and reuse brushes, including.

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