Best EMF meters Part 10/13 (Magnetic 3) -- High Voltage Power lines --

1 year ago

This is a bonus video, the previous 2 videos about magnetic fields have real audio and should already tell a lot, but I had made this footage so why not share it. It's very possible that magnetic fields from power lines in your area are stronger (or weaker) than seen in this video, it's always best to measure to be sure.
New people often overestimate the EMF dangers from power lines and underestimate the EMF dangers coming right into their home through the wires and from the devices they are using. Touching the surface of a laptop can expose you to much higher levels of EMF than being under high voltage power lines, but most people are usually scared from power lines and not from a laptop. Not saying that living right under, or too close to high voltage power lines is safer, since that exposure is uninterrupted.
My technique of moving the EMF meters may look strange, but it was important to move them like seen. If you don't understand why, watch the first minute of this video:
0:23 K-II ("fake") -- K-II ("genuine")
1:26 K-II ("fake") -- GQ-EMF-390-V2
2:21 K-II ("genuine") -- EMFields PF5 Pocket
3:34 K-II ("fake") -- Gigahertz ME3851A
4:32 K-II ("genuine") -- Gigahertz ME3851A
5:56 K-II ("fake") Meterk MK08
6:52 Meterk MK08 -- Gigahertz ME3851A
7:55 Meterk MK08 -- Fuyi Fy876
8:39 Telephone pickup coil + amp
9:41 Erickhill RT-100 -- GQ-EMF-390-V2
11:31 Erickhill RT-100 -- EMFields PF5 Pocket
14:01 Erickhill RT-100 -- Gigahertz ME3851A
15:33 Cemprotec 34 -- Trifield TF2 (standard mode)
18:51 Gigahertz ME3851A -- Cornet ED88T
19:49 GQ-EMF-390-V2 -- Gigahertz ME3851A
21:37 GQ-EMF-390-V2 -- Trifield TF2 (standard mode)
24:44 GQ-EMF-390-V2 -- Cornet ED88T
26:18 Trifield TF2 (standard mode) -- Cornet ED88T
26:56 Gigahertz ME3830B -- Trifield TF2 (standard mode)
29:00 GQ-EMF-390-V2 -- EMFields PF5 Pocket
31:57 Gigahertz ME3851A -- EMFields PF5 Pocket
34:49 Gigahertz ME3851A -- Gigahertz ME3830B
38:25 Results
I also tried with a BR-9A, but being able to see it's display outdoors was worse than the Erickhill, it was near impossible to see something on camera, so this is the reason why I didn't include any footage of that device. Not that it matters much, it wasn't performing good anyway.
If you want to buy an EMF meter, I highly recommend to watch ALL the videos in this series before making a final conclusion and decision.
Based on all the different tests in this video series, my 2022 recommendation and choice of device for AC magnetic fields:
.-- 1st choice -- (best devices for magnetic fields in my opinion for EHS)
Gigahertz ME3951A
Gigahertz ME3851A
-- 2th choice -- (approved budget meters for magnetic fields)
Gigahertz ME3840B
Gigahertz ME3830B
Cornet ED88TPlus5G
Trifield TF2
EMFields PF5 pocket
-- Untested --
- Alphalab UHS2
- NFA1000
They are triple axis meters and probably very good, but also very expensive.
The UHS2 only measures AC magnetic fields, nothing else, so no electric fields.

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