The Matrix.

2 years ago

2022 was one hell of year for me.
You've probably watched most it.
Maybe I have coached you. Maybe you haven't learnt something or use my regular posts as motivations or inspiration.

I honestly could not have survived what the world threw at me this year if it were not for three things. The lessons inside the DFP that I myself live by, the support of the men in the DFP as that is what we do in the brotherhood, standby each other.
And last but most importantly, the strength of the Lord Jesus Christ.

2023 The DFP is coming back bigger and better. I am doing a live tour. Men are waking up everyday and realizing that not only could they be better. They should be better. And I am coming out of the tail end of one of the toughest years of my life.

Tomorrow I am attended my one of at least a dozen and final court cases of a tragic accident where an intoxicated man stepped in-front of my motorcycle, nearly causing the end of us both. I lived. Just. Unfortunately he didn't.

Although all everyone involved has agreed it was simply that. An accident. The prosecutor won't back off on me serving prison time unless I come to table with several thousand dollars. Most of which I have delivered. Tomorrow is the final day I have to come up with that total, otherwise the Street Preacher will be in fact behind bars.

I am offering my coaching program to anyone sitting on the fence. An entire YEAR coached by me. At $450.
Saving you thousands. Not just on my coaching, but the life you will start to live from having started to live by the DFP code.
My loss your gain.

I wouldn't usually do this. But as you can understand. Desperate times, desperate measures.
If you are interested in just helping me in anyway you can - I will leave a separate link where you can contribute to my legal fee's.

Pride usually comes before a fall. And I am not to proud to ask for help. And this is the lesson I leave with you. If you need help, if you are stuck, spinning your wheels, thinking about giving up.
Ask for help. And don't until you get it.

Find the offer here - I will never ever offer this again after today.

Free Dan Fitts legal fee's.

And if this is my last post. Well you know why.

God bless, and God speed.


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