International False Rape Timeline – hangout (73) – Potpourri III Old News And New News

2 years ago

This pre-recorded hangout covers a variety of cases from the backlog.

They are discussed in no particular order but are enumerated in order here:

The retraction of allegations against Alan Dershowitz by that chiselling little whore the former Virginia Roberts. I play a small part of an interview with Dershowitz.

The successful civil case against the film-maker Paul Haggis.

An incredible historical conviction reported by the Kent press.

The case of a Spanish police officer who uploaded a genuine (but falsely labelled) video to Twitter.

A call from Colorado to eliminate statutes of limitations in child sexual abuse cases.

A list of allegations against martial arts instructors in the United States.

The dude whose name I forgot is James Hydrick.

A case from Bangladesh (which isn’t part of India!)

Allegations against the American singer-songwriter Trey Songz.

A case from Illinois.

A proven false allegation from Bolton this year.

Another (promised) attempt to improve the treatment of rape victims in Scotland – in other words to increase the conviction rate at the expense of due process.

The case of a businessman who was traduced all over social media by a former employee.

Another case from Colorado, a remarkable one, it is ongoing.

Rape and false rape statistics from India.

Rape statistics from Newport & Gwent.

I played two reports – one of an assault on an 11 year old girl; the other, a truly shocking rape and violent assault of a woman named Marissa Young. Both cases are from the United States.

Finally, the suicide of a young bloke from Wales. He had been accused of rape but not questioned by the police.

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