WTF Episode 38 - Shame on Woolworths.

2 years ago

WTF Episode 39 - Shame on Woolworths.

November 16th, 2022

I'm at a loss that after all the revelations of how the vaccines do not stop transmission, and the adverse side effects of the experimental drugs that employers are still unlawfully enforcing an experimental drug policy.

Well, sort of. Woolworths is taking back the employees that they got rid of because of their medical choice with open arms. Well, sort of. They're actually not taking them back, they're in fact asking them to reapply for the jobs. Jobs that have surely been given to those who were willing to comply, coerced or had no other choice.

Shame on Woolworths for being part of this medical experiment. Shme on hem for recommending that you stay boostered up even though the data coming out shows that the experimental drug has given us more adverse side effects than any other vaccine rollout in history.

To keep me sane in this insane world I need to have a drink. I'm off to the bottleshop and I believe it's your shout. Joking. Only if you want to.

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