Why Covid & Climate Ruined Our World - The Full Explanation

2 years ago

This is, by far, the best history lecture (well under one hour) on everything that has led up to today. The earliest events are around 90 years ago. Everything fits. Nothing we see is superfluous. I strongly suggest you watch this. Then, share it, for your lives.

The “pandemic” is wholly fraudulent (definitely non natural) & it’s the oldest trick: “The best time for radical changes is in the wake of a disaster”. So the perpetrators created one, not for the first time.

I deduce that the climate change fraud was necessary for two reasons. First, to scare the population. Second, to recruit thousands of people to join a cause that they think is noble (while they also make a lot of money). Saving the planet. Sounds grand, doesn’t it?

What it’s heading to is mass extermination of the bulk of the human population. Almost nobody knows this part. They wouldn’t go along with it if they knew. What is happening is all fraudulent narratives. So the ostensible reason for the technocracy isn’t the real one. They already have a high level of control. So that isn’t it, either. There is no objective reason for what they are doing. I think it’s driven by a combination of diabolical philosophy & a huge, hubristic dose of “because they can”.
The top perpetrators truly are lunatics. But their thinking is clear & it’s highly likely they’ll succeed.

We must try to disrupt their scheming or soon it will be too late, if it isn’t already.

Best wishes

Mike Yeadon

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