Best Rants of 2020

4 years ago

This special clip show features Pastor Mark's best rants of 2020.

00:00 I am not ashamed of the Gospel

03:18 Excuses for fornication

06:00 Tolerance does not equal support

06:59 You’re the problem, not the solution

07:50 Don’t throw your Bible

08:40 Social Marxism and a list of grievances

11:59 You can’t take your house, pool, or car to Heaven

13:09 I’m not a young, Asian woman and other reality checks

14:34 Making fun of religious people

16:16 Governments should not murder children

17:50 Bible translations

22:40 An economy of coveting

23:36 That’s not a real church

24:54 Better than Hitler

25:40 Monergism vs. synergism

28:15 Black Lives Matter?

35:59 Jesus alone defeated death

36:59 Salads and garage doors can’t have COVID

37:59 Don’t decriminalize and defund

42:11 My mom says I’m a good person

43:00 Gender is not a spectrum

44:50 New nature, new desires

46:04 Grandfathers in bikinis

46:50 Mask or not, we all die

47:50 Don’t change the message

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