Attn US Citizens If You Voted Demoncrat, You Should Be Ashamed of Yourself

2 years ago

I wish I had the money and a Campain Manager because I would run against these Demoncrats for House of Representatives (or something).
If you voted Demoncrat, here's what you supported...
- Anti-God
- Anti-America - One example: When you have a POTUS leave our PEOPLE and WEAPONS (worth $80 BILLION) in Afghanistan, that is anti-American.
- Censored Speech - No alternative/free thinkers
- Total Government Control and the desire to take our guns away so we cannot protect/defend ourselves.
- Killing babies
Sociialist/Communism with a Dictator wanting to CONTROL your life. Mandating masks/vaccines (that are actually UNtested) and so much more
- Indoctrination of our children by not teaching reading, writing, math, real history but teaching things like Critical Race Theory and so much more.
- Dumbing-down our public schools even further than they already are. Our kids, from elementary up to even college are not learning a damn thing. It is bad because these are our future leaders.
- Open Borders - to allow 2 million people (that we know of) and drugs to flood our country making our country less properous and distracted from the formation of "One-World Government".
- Defunding the Police - Making it harder for the police to protect you with the time comes. The majority of police officers are good people that risk their lives every damn day... They are not racists going after "black" people... again that is the narrative the news wants you to believe.
- High Crime and Murders. Allowing people to steal up to $1,000 and have NO CONSEQUENCES for their crimes.

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