11.15.22- Anticipating TRUMP announcement! AZ STEAL for WORLD to SEE! FTX. DO not be DISCOURAGED!

2 years ago

Rep. Raskin is concerned Trump could become Speaker of the House. https://t.me/dailyrealtimenews/14988

We will not allow Katie Hobbs to verify her own stolen election. We came to fight. https://t.me/faithtruthhistory/3182

THE ART OF THE INFORMATION WAR: MEMES https://t.me/faithtruthhistory/3173

This same scene played out tens of thousands of times all across Maricopa County. How many voters were disenfranchised or simply ran out of time? https://t.me/RobSchneiderReal/95

The same people who don’t believe in nations or borders are responsible for this - weakening our military has taken a lot of work. It was not an accident. https://t.me/NoAgendaLara/1837

Flashback to 2018. AG Eric Holder claims then GA Secretary of State Brian Kemp was trying to “rig the system” by not resigning or recusing himself from running the election while running for governor. https://t.me/NoAgendaLara/1832

What do they got on Cocaine Mitch? 🤔 https://t.me/Patri0tsareinContr0l/3535

Kash discusses the absurdity of Arizona: “What are they so afraid of announcing a result on Election Day?” https://t.me/Patri0tsareinContr0l/3699

Chuck Schumer vs. Reality 🤡 https://t.me/conservativejblQck1776/108228

SBF summed up in 99 seconds https://t.me/realKarliBonne/133452

Possibilities for Trump’s Nov. 15th Announcement… https://t.me/faithtruthhistory/3200

Vincent Oshana & Ricardo Aguilar Defend Trump's Policies & Call Out Adam's TDS https://t.me/chiefnerd/5927

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