Tiger Longwing Butterfly

2 years ago

This is video I captured of the Tiger Longwing Butterfly at the Tennessee Aquarium’s Butterfly Garden Exhibit in Chattanooga, TN.

According to southcoastbotanicgarden org (a link to it is below) this is a golden longwing (also known as Heliconius hecale). Golden longwings are known by many names, including Hecale longwing, tiger longwing or golden heliconian. There are vivid white and rust patterns on the black wings of this lovely species that make it stand out. This species is typically found between Mexico and Peru.

Visit the website links below for more information about this butterfly.



I hope you enjoy this video & the accompanying music. Soundtrack credit is at the end of the video. The song is Sweet Love by Maarten Schellekens. Please subscribe if you haven’t already. Thanks for watching & supporting!

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