TRUTH THERE IT IS! If You Want To Start Naming State Sponsors Of Terrorism Lets Do it!

2 years ago

How Trumptards & Libtards Support US Peace In the World If they are not Blaming The Muslims They Are Blaming The Jews, for Not Being Masonic Bootlickers Like Themselves, While Pretending To Love Christ In Defense Of The Luceferian System.

Luciferian Anti-Christ Cancerous Consciousness & Babylonian World Empire (mirrored)

That is what the Pharistocracy does they destroy Republics to build Democracies and shackle the Mob which is (we the people). Then they let Democracy thrive long enough to the point of where its inhabitants become psychopathic, which is what Democracy has always done to it's population when left to thrive for to long. Then they overthrow the Democracy with a new Republic continue to dumb down future generations in order to convert it back into a Democracy and the cycle repeats over and over again. They did it during the French revolutions the Bolshevik revolution and the American revolution and so on, while giving us the illusion of freedom and choice, only now they are doing it on a global scale at the same time. It is all about control keeping us dumbed down and dividing us in to groups in order to eliminate any critical thinking we may posses as individuals. We do have a way to win. When the Republic is restored we must enforce it this time and educate future generation on how to enforce and keep it.

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