Not Sorry Show: 11152022

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The Not Sorry Show, LIVE - 9pm Eastern

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and streaming on (always the top link on the page when live)

Tonight's BIG 5

--- Finally Abbott declares an invasion of his state. He must have realized that the usual suspects will hang him out to twist in the wind nomatter what they are promising. This is the only way to get re-elected. Deeds not words.
--- Seems that Epstein's friends still run things.
--- This is not medical, it is hate politics. The NIH has been coopted by reverse racists, change my mind.
--- First rule of Killer-Pandemic Club: don't talk about Killer-Pandemic Club. Because... reasons.
--- Nobody makes a more wholesome flick than Big Pharma!

*** Jim Neighbors hosts and brings an Overpasses for America report.

*** 5pyhun73r produces

Comments from: Demon-26, Shades and Barbarian

Fresh Spaghetti on the Wall

Recorded in front of a live studio Ostrich
Free CHEEZITS and Iced Tea provided, BYOB!

also: George and Modesty do the Notsorry Show Mornings currently twice a week
Mondays and Fridays, 8pm ET. Tune in for 40m or so of fun times!

Gab: @Ravicrux @Phillip_Bromley @GeorgeAngus @5PY_HUN73R @DemsFearTruth @tiwake @BattleDwarfGimli

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