Stories That Inspire Us with Teresa Lodato - 11.15.22

1 year ago

Stories That Inspire Us welcomed to today’s podcast on Tuesday, November 15, 2022, Teresa Lodato. Teresa is a former stressed-out financial services executive of a top Wall Street firm and author of Why Aren’t You Listening to Me?

Teresa found herself working crazy hours and as a Mom and wife, spent most of her week going through the motions of her daily routine. She felt guilty as a young Mom dividing her time and was going 100 mph during the week and on the weekends, she often found herself dealing with horrible migraines. She did not understand “why” these migraines were happening until she did.

She looks back at her early journey and realized that there was a pivotal moment when she realized her career and her marriage were taking a nosedive.

“I see what a gift it is now.” She was at a point where she realized she was not listening to her body. There were early warning signs and Teresa went into detailed particulars of what she experienced.

She finally learned how to trust herself and went on to earn her certifications, etc. Teresa guides stressed out adults and teens to navigate the complexities of relational trauma and the chronic health challenges that accompany stress, burnout and betrayal.

Using cutting edge techniques and proven strategies based on neuroscience and psychology, her clients fully align with their inner knowing, optimizing mental, emotional and physical well being while achieving extraordinary results.

Teresa gave some amazing and very practical tips for when we feel stressed and overwhelmed on how to manage and recognize when too much is just that: too much; and when too little is too little.

Teresa mentioned an article in her podcast today. Please refer to the link below:

To connect with Teresa further, please check out her website and various other social media platforms:

Do you suffer from migraines? How have they affected your overall health and life? Do you trust the Woo? As I mentioned in the podcast “The Woo is the glue backed by scientific data.” Trust the Woo!!

Let me know what you thought of today’s episode. If you are interested in sharing your story, please go to my website and “register as a guest”.

Thank you Teresa - sharing your story and relaying it back to yourself and realizing: “I see what a gift it is now” led you on a path to work and coach others in such a meaningful way is “Truly” beyond amazing as these are the Stories That Inspire Us!!

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