Tuesday Talk - On the Road in Dandridge TN at Valentine Mill - The Hillbilly Kitchen

2 years ago

I took a late fall ride to visit some friends. Join me for a chat and visit with Clive and Shelly Valentine in their county store in Dandridge Tennessee. The store is filled with items that have been hand crafted by local artisans. They have jams and jellies that Shelly makes, a full line of milled goods that are ground on site in the historic mill, as well as quilts, aprons, soaps, lotions and a verity of other local art. Shelly fills gift baskets with the goods in the store and makes custom baskets. They ship!!!

Remember to PUT GOD FIRST!!!
John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life

Valentine Mill and General Store
1541 Deep Springs Rd, Dandridge, TN
Phone : (865) 309-9812
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/Valentinemill
Email : valentineshelley@yahoo.com
Website : https://www.historicvalentinemill.com/

Business inquires:
The Hillbilly Kitchen
P.O. Box 243
New Tazewell, TN 37824

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