Understanding Wildlife Can Restore Humanity-Tamarack Song & Dr Zoh Hieronimus

2 years ago

21st Century Radio® Host Dr. Zohara Hieronimus sits with writer, healer, and artist Tamarack Song to discuss his book Becoming Nature: Learning the Language of Wild Animals and Plants. “Animals and plants are in constant communication with the world around them. To join the conversation, we need only to connect with our primal mind and recognize that we, too, are Nature. Once in this state, we can communicate with animals as effortlessly as talking with friends. The songs of birds and the calls of animals start to make sense… Through exercises and experiential stories, the author guides us to immerse ourselves in Nature at the deepest levels of perception, which allows us to sense the surrounding world and the living beings in it as extensions of our own awareness. He details how to open our minds and hearts to listen and communicate in the wordless language of wild animals and plants. He explains how to hone our imagining skill so we can transform into the animal we are seeking, along with becoming invisible by entering the silence of Nature. In this guide to becoming one with Nature, Tamarack Song provides step-by-step instructions for reawakening the innate sensory and intuitive abilities that our hunter-gatherer ancestors relied upon­--abilities imprinted in our DNA yet long forgotten.”

To learn more about Tamarack’s work, visit http://tamaracksong.org

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