Fired engineer still convinced Google has created sentient being

2 years ago

Are humans capable of creating sentient, self-aware entities that literally take on a life of their own, confronting humanity will all kinds of moral, ethical and possibly dystopian implications?

Blake Lemoine believes it's not only possible, it already has happened. In June, as a senior software engineer and AI researcher for Google, he made world headlines when he revealed that the Big Tech giant was developing an artificial intelligence called LaMDA that he believed had advanced beyond the expectations of its designers.

LaMDA, short for Language Model for Dialogue Applications, has become, in his estimation, a sentient being, aware of its existence, its wants and its needs.

Arguing that the world needed to be part of a conversation about whether or not it was a good idea to develop a technology with incalculable and possibly dystopian implications for humanity, Lemoine reported his concerns to top Google executives. They dismissed the concerns and eventually Lemoine himself after he went public.

More than three months later, he explained to WND in an in-person video interview why his concerns are more relevant than ever as Google presses forward with its project.

"I really believe that for this kind of impactful technology – which will have a lasting influence on human history for the next century or two – the public should at least know what is existent and have the option to become involved in governance."

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