EMI shielded enclosures and Electromagnetic weapons attacks

2 years ago

If you are targeted extrajudicially and/or socially and politically persecuted as I am, it is for sure a necessity for you, to build yourself a proper shielded enclosure, you might not be able to stop all the attacks, but you will certainly be able to lessen some of the effects, that are caused through the use of directed energy weapons, that transmit electromagnetic signals, that can correlate to the human body, brain and function i.e. through methods like heterodyning and the like.

I have just had an example happened to me, where I have ordered shielding gaskets to improve my shielded enclosures, and where the Danish intelligence agency PET and the state, have shown themselves to be surveilling my Internet orders on eBay, looking through my post, furthermore illegally stopping postnord from delivering my post, furthermore continuously ordering postnord not to respond to my multiple written requests regarding the missing package, that post-mortem had in their possession all along, the Danish state and its intelligence agencies are ordering and micromanaging peoples and companies through the programs real-time synthetic telepathy communication system probably amongst other forms of communication, all with the intent, to stop me from being able improve my shielding, to be able stop for lesson their illegal electromagnetic attacks against me Stephen Bell.

Moreover what I failed to mention in the video, is how simultaneously, a sleuth of hackers and identity thieves are writing to me on email saying that I have packages to be picked up, and all I need to do is pay a small fee to have my shipment released, I must have received in this period of time, well this nonsense and inferences has is being going on, received at least 25 messages about my package all from different email addresses.

Furthermore the Danish state and its propaganda arm the Danish broadcasting service, Denmark’s radio I literally bragging on multiple FM station shows, how the state is prohibiting me from receiving my post and is being spun into something supposedly good and decent, flagrantly contrary to what it is completely and utterly illegal acts by the state and it’s our control intelligence agency PET.

#PET_PSYOPS #PET_interference #electromagnetic_warfare #Active_measures_against_Stephen_Bell

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