Chemtrails, Climate & Methane Burping Cows?????

2 years ago

In late 2020, Mexico announced that the country would be phasing out the use of glyphosate herbicides, the cultivation of GMO corn, and the import of GMO corn for human consumption and livestock feed by the end of 2024. The reasons for the decree given by Mexican president Andrés Manuel López Obrador are to protect the health of Mexico’s consumers and protect small-scale farmers, the environment, and the purity of Mexico’s native corn varieties.

The fundamental concepts of organic farming have always been, “Feed the Soil, not the Plant,” and “Healthy Soil leads to Healthy Crops, Healthy Animals, Healthy People, and a Healthy Planet.” Now, those concepts have been turned on their head, with a recent Appeals Court ruling that you don’t even need soil for growing terrestrial crops, in order to be certified organic in the United States.

On September 22, 2022, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals upheld a district court ruling that allows hydroponic produce growers to continue to sell their produce as organic. This is the latest development in an on-going debate where certain groups argue that under the Organic Foods Production Act (OFPA)—the legislation that Congress passed in 1990 that directed the USDA to create the National Organic Program (NOP)—hydroponics cannot be organic because they are not grown in soil. While the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) argues hydroponics do fall under the definition of organic. This article briefly provides a history of the issue, and then explains the most recent court ruling.,sell%20their%20produce%20as%20organic
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