The Diabolic Origins of the Conspiracy | Beyond the Cover

2 years ago

In this episode of Beyond the Cover, host Gary Benoit interviews senior editor Rebecca Terrell about her article “The Diabolic Origins of the Conspiracy” that was published in the November 14, 2022 issue of The New American, as well as in our 100-page “The Great Reset and Transhumanism” bookazine. In the interview, Terrell explains that the big lie — “You will be like gods” — defines the conspiracy she is exposing, since throughout history evil-doers have rebelled against God, imagining themselves as becoming gods on earth. This is true today, in the case of the transhumanist agenda that is part of the Great Reset. Immediately breathing relevance into this history of the conspiracy, Rebecca starts not in the past but today, and then traces the big lie backward in time to the French Revolution, the Tower of Babel, and the Garden of Eden. Finally, she provides hope that the big lie can once again be defeated by putting faith in God and employing the powerful weapon of  truth.
Rebecca Terrell’s “The Diabolic Origins of the Conspiracy” is just one of the articles in  The New American’s 100-page “The Great Reset and Transhumanism” bookazine, which is bound like a book and formatted like a magazine. To get your copy of the bookazine with free shipping, use the code BENOITSHIP at
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