The #1 Reason People Don’t Break Up When They Should! - Matthew Kelly

2 years ago

Is It Time to Move On?

The #1 Reason People Don’t Break Up When They Should! - Matthew Kelly

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Video Transcript:

“The #1 reason people don’t break up with the person they are dating when they should can be best understood through an economic theory. Have you ever heard the saying, don’t throw good money after bad? This is called the Sunk Cost Fallacy.

The Sunk Cost Fallacy describes the human tendency to continue with an endeavor we have invested time, effort, money, and energy into, even if all the evidence suggests that our investment is a bad investment.

Have you ever heard someone say, “I already started, so I might as well keep going!” Or perhaps you have said it to yourself. The problem is, if you are going the wrong way, it doesn’t matter how far you go, or how much you persevere, or wish, hope, dream or pray, the wrong way never leads to the right destination. It’s a psychological bias that results in irrational choices.

Human beings are rational, but we don’t always behave rationally, and it’s important to remember that about ourselves and other people.

Deciding to continue to date someone when you are unhappy, when you have plenty of evidence that things are not going to change, because you’ve invested months or years of your life with them is a mistake.

It’s time to move on. Don’t think of it as wasted time, think of it as preparation for the best relationship of your life.”

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