Arguments Matter: The Key to Healthy Conflict & What to Avoid - Matthew Kelly - 60 Second Wisdom

2 years ago

Arguments Matter: The Key to Healthy Conflict & What to Avoid - Matthew Kelly - 60 Second Wisdom

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Video Transcript:

“One of the most important aspects of a relationship is learning how you argue. Arguments matter. Conflict is inevitable in any relationship. Many of the worst relationships are those without conflict, because often both people are harboring unspoken discontent and growing resentment.

Arguments tell a lot about a relationship. What two people argue about, where they argue, and how they argue reveals a lot about who people are and what they value. And that is true whether the relationship involves a marriage, a friendship, two colleagues at work, or brothers and sisters.

Arguments are caused by differing opinions, unmet expectations, converging desires, and colliding personal preferences.

The key to dynamic relationships is healthy conflict. Healthy conflict is when we argue for something rather than against each other. And the best arguments are when we are arguing about how to make our relationship the-best-version-of-itself.

If you want your relationship to be the-best-version-of-itself, learn to argue in a healthy way.”

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