Attorney Todd Callender and Dr. David Hartsuch - Vital information you need to know

2 years ago

Attorney Todd Callender and Dr. David Hartsuch. Sitting in for Dr. Lee Merritt is Jan Morrow.

Attorney Todd Callender shares new information about his court hearing this week in a Colorado circuit court, asking the court to decide if after being vaccinated with patented gene-altering, synthetic super-conductor things, are the the people who got the shots still human and still homo-sapius? Or something else? Do the patent holders of the super-conductor materials in human bodies now the owners of these humans? Hear his oral argument given on Nov 18, 2022:
Robert, et al. v. Austin, et al.

Dr. Hartsuch discusses grievous human right violations and the perpetrators committing crimes against humanity. We are living in this time where the elitists few have succeeded in several generations, the dumbing down enough of the world population that they ignited they plan of depopulation with the release of a synthetic man made parasitical virus with the outcome being the voluntary acceptance of an injection that has killed and wounded millions across America and the world. Dr Hartsuch also solves the mystery of how, when people were very sick covid and subsequent variants/strains, a sodium-wasting disease, why many lost 1-3 pounds daily in the first few weeks of the illness.

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