April 26, 2016 ❤️ Purging of the Temple... The Spirit of God says... Divorce Baal & Tear up that Document 501c3... Revealed thru Mark Taylor

2 years ago

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The Spirit of God says... The Purging of the Temple - Tear up the Document 501c3 & Divorce Baal

April 26, 2016 - The Lord's Message thru Mark Taylor

The Spirit of God says, "The 501c3, the 501c3, those that are eating of it are not eating from My tree! For when I told Adam and Eve, do not eat from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil for you shall surely die, so it is with those that eat from the 501c3. For this demonic document that you have signed has now made you spiritually deaf, mute, and blind. Woe to those who continue to use this demonic system for you will be exposed and purged from this evil cistern."

The Spirit of God says, "Can you not see that you are taking a bribe? They will say it's all about the money, and for that you shall be kicked from My tribe! Taking a bite from that apple has taken you from a spiritual body to a brick and mortar, and has placed you under the New World Order.

"For how can you be a part of my spiritual body when you have cut off my head? For those that don't turn will surely fall as dead. Tear up the contract, repent, divorce Baal, and re-marry Me, and I will remove the spiritual blindness so you can once again see. Come out of this! Come out of this before it's too late, for My judgments are on those systems that I hate. Come out now for I will no longer tolerate it!"

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