Jan 28, 2016 ❤️ The Spirit of God says... Army of God, arise! Yes, My Army will save one Billion Souls... Prophecy thru Mark Taylor

2 years ago

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The Spirit of God says... Army of God, ARISE! Yes, My Army will save over one Billion Souls

January 28, 2016 - The Lord's Message thru Mark Taylor

The Spirit of God says, "There is an army arising from the dust and ashes, from many battles and enemy clashes. This army that's arising is coming in My glory and light, and the battle that's about to unfold shall put the enemy to flight.

For My army is about to hit the beaches and shores of every country and nation afar, and they shall drive back the army of darkness at the sound of My shofar! For My army will be young and old and will save over one billion souls."

The Spirit of God says, "There is nothing that the enemy can do to stop that, what I the Lord God have started, for it is now time for the army of darkness to be departed. For the souls of this nation and all over the world are crying out to Me. My Army!

"Bring them in, and I will save, deliver, and comfort them. Arise... Army of God! Arise! Your work is not complete, for the kingdom of darkness is in for its biggest surprise, complete and utter defeat! Arise... My Army! Get in the fight, I say with great emphasis! Overtake, terminate, and destroy the Army of darkness with Extreme Prejudice!"

Your Supreme Commander GOD!

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