Québec's child vaccination ad: Scary face (and scarred heart) (Nov. 2021)

2 years ago

"Watch out, COVID-19." Or, as Tony Montana (Scarface) would say, "Say hello to my little friend!"

Apparently, children and parents need not be afraid of vaxx adverse effects, such as sudden death, heart inflammation, nerve damage, brain bleeds, massive clots, and much more.

Link doesn't work (anymore): https://www.quebec.ca/YOUTHvaccine

NB: This page says that children aged 14 and up do NOT require parental permission for their COVID shot:
👆 FR: "Pour les jeunes de 13 ans et moins, le consentement d’un parent ou d’un tuteur légal doit être obtenu. Les personnes de 14 ans et plus peuvent donner elles-mêmes leur consentement pour la vaccination contre la COVID-19."

EN: "For youth 13 and under, consent from a parent or legal guardian must be obtained. Persons 14 years of age and older can give their own consent for vaccination against COVID-19."

SOURCE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2NdYj9Co6Sg

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