Dr. Anthony Chaffee - The War Against Meat Series

2 years ago

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This series is especially focused on a war that is happening against meat from the lens of people who are living their truth for Food Freedom and Health Independence using Meat as their Prescription for Healing and Real Health.

Dr Anthony Chaffee, a medical doctor and former professional rugby player, is giving a fresh lease on life to thousands of people around the World by professionally helping them optimize health, without any medication, and helping to revitalize their lives.
Particularly known for his approach to treating “chronic diseases,” many of which Dr Chaffee contends occur due to lifestyle and diet, Dr Chaffee hosts of the Podcast “The Plant Free MD”, with an associated Instagram page, where he covers many of these topics and their supporting evidence, along with interviews of prominent figures in the international community.

Entering University early at the age of 16, Dr Chaffee was also an All-American Rugby Player, and played Professionally in England, America, and Canada for 10 years before attending medical school.

He hasn’t always stayed within the comforts of the hospital and clinic; however, he has even volunteered in the refugee camps of Southern Bangladesh between 2017 and 2018 to help the more than 1 million Rohingya refugees escaping mass genocide in Myanmar in 2017. This was in spite of the fact that ISIS was known to have a strong presence in the region at the time and was actively targeting and killing foreigners to the region; something that not many are willing or able to do.”

Currently a Neurosurgical resident in Perth (Australia), Dr Chaffee also works in a private Functional Medicine practice treating obesity and chronic disease patients in Perth and elsewhere through video consultations. He is credited with successfully reversing multiple illnesses and reducing or even eliminating the need for medications for many hundreds of people.

Dr Chaffee does this through the implementation of proven strategies and lifestyle changes incorporating the Carnivore diet, which goes against the precepts of traditional dietary understanding, but is gaining in popularity world-wide following its ongoing success in thousands of cases.

Plant Free MD

All Dr. Chaffee's links are here on his Link Tree.
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