[QPOSTS 237-246 Nov 30 2017]

1 year ago

[Prince Alwaleed bin Talal and other wealthy Saudis controlled legislators and others in the US.
After his (and their) arrest and funds frozen, the financial ties between them have been severed: No more protection, no more money.
Yes, the 20% public is showing, but the majority of the public will not make the connection, even though it is in broad daylight.
Oh yes it's been beautiful even if no one else has noticed it exists. Except you, anons.
"As of December 3, 2017
Senate: Bob Corker (R) Tennessee Jeff Flake (R) Arizona
House: Bob Goodlatte
(R) Virginia, District 6 Carol Shea-Porter (D) NH, District 1 Charles W. Dent (R) PA, District 15 Dave Reichert (R) WA, District 8 David Trott (R) Michigan, District 11 Frank LoBiondo (R) NJ, District 2 Gene Green (D) Texas, District 29 Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R) FL, District 27 Jeb Hensarling (R) Texas, District 5 Joe Barton (R) Texas, District 6 John Delaney (D) MD, District 6 John J. Duncan, Jr. (R) TN, District 2 Lamar Smith (R) Texas, District 21 Luis V. Gutierrez (D) Illinois, District 4 Lynn Jenkins (R) Kansas, District 2 Niki Tsongas (D) MA, District 3 Sam Johnson (R) Texas, District 3 Sandy Levin (D) Michigan, District 9 Ted Poe (R) Texas, District 2
Leaving Federal office to run for State Colleen Hanabusa (D) Hawaii, District 1 Diane Black (R) TN, District 6 Jared Polis (D) Colorado, District 2 James B. Renaci (R) Ohio, District 16 Kristi L. Noem (R) SD, At-Large District Michelle Lujan Grisham,(D) NM, District 1 Raul R Labrador (R) Idaho, District 1 Steve Pearce (R) New Mexico, District 2 Tim Walz (D) Minnesota, District 1
Left Office Jason Chaffetz (R) Utah, District 3 Patrick J. Tiberi (R) Ohio, District 2 Tim Murphy (R) Pennsylvania, District 18"
Not a chance
Public can understand and accept sexual misconduct and general corruption.
Possibly insinuating that Phase 2 won't be as easy for the public to digest
Removing these persons removes obstacles to America First agenda, part of draining the Swamp.
Now that their funding, protection is gone, their character exposed, the stage is set for prosecutions.
11.3 Tony Podesta indicted and starts to sing 11.6 Huma indicted and starts to sing
The Peter Strzok story is revealed to be much bigger than a few emails with his girlfriend. We suddenly find out he was the one that interviewed Hillary, and later made decision to let her go. We learn he tricked Flynn into an interview without an attorney. We learn that he is then the one assigned to investigate Trump. http://www.cnn.com/2017/12/04/politics/peter-strzok-james-comey/index.html


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