On the Cusp Of Ending the Autism Epidemic. We Are So Close!! We MUST Continue the Science!!

1 year ago

There are now multiple research studies pointing to the cause of autism. Has the smoking gun finally been discovered? We do know that we are observing a systematic and deliberate halting and dismantling of laboratories who dare want to study these environmental neurotoxins and the potential mechanisms of action that could cause some children to develop regressive Autism Spectrum Disorder.
Very few scientists and laboratories in the world are able and willing to do this work. Dr. Guillemette Crepeaux, a distinguished researcher in France, continues to forge forward seeking answers and refusing to be silenced. But it comes at a price; a lack of necessary funding.
It's time that the world stops allowing Big Pharma to dictate science. It's time we demand integrity, evidence-based, and unbiased research to lead the way to answers for the many pediatric chronic conditions that have risen to pandemic levels and continue to rise unchecked. Could the cause have been right under or noses the whole time?
We need your help! Please hear the evidence and help Dr. Crepeaux finally help uncover one of the greatest mysteries of our lifetime and help break through the biases that are crippling the quest of real answers.

After watching this presentation by Dr. Crepeaux, we hope you will understand why this research is urgent and imperative. We hope that you will want to be a part of the greatest discovery in science that will change the way we look at autism and many other chronic conditions. It's R.E.A.C.T. Inc ( www.REACTforHope.org ) mission to help support the important research being done that will finally bring HOPE to millions around the world. We ask you to donate directly to this 4A-1 Project because we believe that this research is VITAL and URGENT.

Please donate to Dr. Crepeaux’s research:
Be sure to indicate the destination of the grant: For research (Pour la recherche)

You may also do a direct transfer:
Specify donation “FOR RESEARCH 4A-1 Project” “Pour la recherche”
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