My Flat Earth Awakening Story (Originally uploaded to YouTube Jan. 2019)

2 years ago

My YouTube channel was deleted by YouTube, but I saved some of the content from it, including this video. It was the second video I uploaded to my YT channel. I've made some minor edits, added some images and re-uploaded it here.

*My FE Awakening was in Jan. 2016, and I recorded and uploaded this video about it in Jan. 2019

The main proofs of our flat, stationary, enclosed Earth include:

- No curvature obscuring landmarks significant distances away
- The stars/constellations haven't changed in thousands of years
- Rainbows perfectly reflect the firmament dome

Why the lie?

A Satanic cabal wants:

- Power - Keep people disoriented/unaware of where they live
- Money - NASA gets at least $21B/yr or $65M/day
- Control of info -- Knowledge is power

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