Disclaimer Video

2 years ago

The final design of this project will differ from the concept outlined in this video. This is because we must ensure each project has the flexibility to meet all legal requirements of each country they are launched in.

However; unparalleled transparency will remain the most important component of every project.

This is not a crowdfunding campaign, this is a membership website, where you can become a voting member and vote on the direction of the projects as they progress.

At the bottom of the home page on the 'this butcher' website, you can become a voting member. There are a number of ways you can increase your voting power.

The options for member to increase their voting power were put in place so voting is accessible to almost anyone.

100% of profits from voting member fees, will be used to fund the development and launch, of these projects.

With millions of people wanting serious change, this is your chance to help create that change. Together as a united global community, we could fund these projects within weeks.

Change is in our hands and the speed at which we create that change is in the hands of the global community. We could do this!

I hope you love what you see.

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