Luntz CNN Focus Group Calls Trump Too Old; Supports DeSantis

2 years ago

Brett, a Trump supporter from Georgia, described DeSantis as a “much more polished version of Trump” who doesn’t say degrading or off-putting things nearly as much as the latter. A New Jersey Trump voter named Chris followed up by remarking that DeSantis — who is 44 years old — is “a lot younger” than Trump — who is 76 years old.

“He’s way too old,” Chris said of Trump. “And at least, from what I’ve seen, DeSantis isn’t going to insult people in his own party like Trump is.”

Other panelists expressed the view that DeSantis is more qualified for the job than Trump, plus more focused than Trump on policy issues over personality.

When Luntz recapped his focus group for CNN, he summed up their collective opinion by saying, “They appreciate what Trump did, they appreciate his agenda, but they don’t appreciate him as a person and they’re actually worn out with him as a person.”

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