We Are Surrounded by the Broken of Covid-19: ‘Please Don't Forget Those Who Are Changed Forever’

1 year ago

We Are Surrounded by the Broken of Covid-19: "Please Don't Forget Those Who Are Changed Forever"

Full video:
➨ worldcouncilforhealth.org/multimedia/the-health-forum-nz

For many, "Covid is over!"—but let's not forget the harm that's been unleashed on society:

• Suicides, many suicides
• Teens plunged into depression and suicidality
• The countless vaccine-injured, broken, and bereaved
• Poverty, isolation, fear, derision, separation, castigation

Lynda Wharton: "As masks are discarded, and workplaces open up to all Kiwis—not just those who complied with the medical order, please don't forget those who are changed perhaps forever. As New Zealanders are invited to 'take back control over Covid,' not everyone has the physical, mental, or emotional ability to do exactly this. We are surrounded by the broken. They may be invisible to you, but I promise you they are there. Please never forget."

Speaking at General Assembly Meeting #64 on Monday, November 7, Lynda Wharton introduced us to WCH Coalition Partner: The Health Forum NZ.

The purpose of The Health Forum NZ is to support New Zealanders impacted by Covid-19 vaccines and regulations. They achieve this by creating an informative and caring social media community (on Telegram, MeWe, and Facebook) and sharing the latest science-based information examining the safety and efficacy of Covid-19 injections and regulations.

Lynda has owned and operated a busy Holistic Woman's Health clinic for 37 years where she has combined Naturopathic medicine and Traditional Chinese Acupuncture for the treatment of female health challenges. She has enjoyed a parallel career as a health researcher, freelance health journalist, and columnist and is the author of three holistic women's health books.

Watch the rest of her presentation:
➨ worldcouncilforhealth.org/multimedia/the-health-forum-nz

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